So what did I miss?
A day is a long time. A week is ages. Two weeks well, blimey that’s like forever!! Life sometimes gets on top of us but the world around us simply doesn’t top turning. I could publish lots of posts about what has gone on over the last two weeks but quite frankly, there’s a Eurovision Song Contest to comment on and nutleyone is far more interested in that! Did I mention this blog now has its own facebook page? You can find us on facebook here, and you can also find us on twitter here. Anyway just in case you are interested in what’s gone on in the world of nutleyone over the last couple of weeks here is a quick catch up for you.
I Can’t Sing, the musical based on the X Factor has posted closing notices. After a superb review on here, we’ve seen it again on Saturday and it’s still just as good. However rumours are it wasn’t even filling half of the seats at the London Palladium some nights so alas it is closing. Final performance is on Saturday 10th May so catch it whilst you can!
Meanwhile EastEnders are no closer to finding out who killed Lucy Beale. Let’s face it, the investigation was never going to get off to a good start when it took an episode to find her, and another five episodes for the police to reveal that she’d been murdered, not mugged as they’d originally told distraught Ian. In other EastEnders related gossip new character Les Coker is now an evens favourite for having done the dirty deed. My money’s still on Bobby Beale… it’s always the quiet ones.
If cinema is your thing then you will have noticed the huge amount of publicity for this week’s brand new film Bad Neighbours starring Seth Rogen and Zac Efron. With big money stars you’d think this comedy would pack a real comedic punch that would leave you laughing for hours, however the only punch cinema goers are likely to receive is the one in their wallet when they realise they actually paid money to see this. An incoherent plot, some pretty awful jokes and a total nonsensical conclusion means that this is truly the worst film of the year I have seen so far, and yes readers that even takes into account the eye-candy. Not even nice looking bodies could save this film!
And finally, this year’s Eurovision Song Contest is taking place this week in Copenhagen. I’ll shortly be posting reviews of all the songs. The reviews will be based on the studio versions of the songs taken from this year’s official CD which is available from all good stockists and the official Eurovision shop which is also selling a massive variety of other Eurovision related merchandise. The contest itself starts tomorrow (Tuesday 6th May) with the first semi final. A second semi final follows on Thursday before the Grand Final begins on Saturday night at 8pm (BST), 9pm (CET). If you’re thinking of having a flutter on the United Kingdom, get in quick because the odds have been shortening since yesterday’s rehearsals with Molly’s chances now being offered at around 8/1 generally though some bookmakers are offering 10/1.
And that’s it… back to business!